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Right now…

  • You may want to buy a home..
  • You may want to upgrade your home… 
  • You may want to build a property portfolio…
  • You may want to use your equity for other debt consolidation or use your long term property gains for personal & lifestyle needs…

We meet so many people from different backgrounds doing different things. 

One thing is certain…. You never know what’s going to happen in the future, other than having clarity on where you want to go. And WE BELIEVE, with clarity comes certainty.

Basically, what we say to our clients is – set things up so you have choices in the long term. 

So many times, people come to us with arrangements they are locked into and they are unable to do what they really want to do. And guys, we want you to avoid that.

So ask yourself:

  1. What do I want life to look like in 5 years?
  2. What do I want life to look like in 10 years?
  3. How old will I be in 10 years? How old will my children be in 10 years?
  4. Why am I doing what I’m doing?
  5. Are my current steps taking me to where I want to end up?

If your “why” of doing what you are doing is big enough – you WILL make it happen. If you have a “fluffy” goal, no matter what happens you will do NOTHING. And if you do nothing, then nothing changes. If you don’t have clarity about your direction and a strong motivator (or a nightmare), no force can stop you. However comfort is a killer… in our experience getting out of your comfort zone builds you. 

If you are struggling with making that move – then write down 100 LIMITING BELIEFS you have about what you’re AVOIDING. Usually we find, digging in deeper into our fears, is a good way to move past them. And…most importantly, what is the price of non-action? It may end up being more costly to procrastinate than to make a move and do a cost benefit analysis of your decisions.

To Get Started: Schedule A Chat with the Property Twins Team
Join Our Exclusive Facebook Community of 6,000+ Property Investors: Property Addicts Australia
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Note: Please ensure you always seek specific specific credit, tax, financial, legal or investment advice. Property Twins' Blogs are not a substitute for personal and specific, taxation, financial, legal or investment advice

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